Moose Horn Ranch (Est. 1987) Is situated on 134 acres of beautiful rolling hills. We are conveniently located only 1.5 miles off of Interstate 35 approximately 40 miles South of Duluth, Minnesota.
This facility was built in 2003 and has a 17 stall barn with 120 x 70 indoor riding arena, a large outdoor riding arena and 50 foot round pen, lounge area and bathroom.
We have separate stall areas and paddock to be used for incoming brood mares. There is also a separate mare/foal/foaling stall adjacent to the Vet Room.
Our breeding program goal is to raise well bred and athletic performance Quarter Horses by crossing proven foundation stock horse type Quarter Horses (Such as;Poco Bueno and Leo) with proven speed-horses which carry the Thoroughbred influence (Such as; Three Bars and Top Deck). This program has been producing fast, athletic & versatile horses with good minds. We feel that the original founders of the Quarter Horse breed intended breeding a horse to do ranch work, one they could take a pleasure ride to town on Sunday and then proceed to make some money match racing against their neighbors & other competitors while in town.
Our strongest belief is that the Quarter Horse should be an all around using animal.
MHR horses have been used for trail riding, cattle work, and arena events such as roping and barrel racing.
Our foals receive their first worming at one month of age and once a month until they are six months then every eight weeks. Their first hoof trimming comes at one month and then as needed, which is approximately 4-6 weeks. Their first vaccinations are received at 3-4 months. They are halter broke to lead at one month. They are weaned between 4-6 months old. They learn to tie and stand after 6 months of age, as yearlings they are loaded into the horse trailer (if they haven't been already) and at 24-28 months of age they start their initial training under saddle, doing light work only, here at the ranch.
All of our foals are fed quality hay, pasture, grain & minerals. We care about our foals maintaining their proper health and nutrition so that they may reach their full potential as an adult.
Ranch raised & trained performance prospects occasional for sale.
Moose Horn Ranch is owned and operated by, Terry & Shirley Lund. The living quarters are adjacent to the indoor arena. This way we can live right here on the grounds and closely monitor the horses, especially during foaling season.
Terry enjoys starting the ranch two year olds in the round pen and under saddle. He rides them in the arena and around the ranch & introduces them to cattle when we have them available. (We keep feeder steers so they are not usually available during the winter months). Occasionally Terry does some colt starting for our clients. Terry oversees general ranch management and is in charge of grounds maintenance, trail development and hay management,etc.
