Oklahoma Three Scats (SOLD) REF. MARE ONLY
Born January 30, 1996
Sire: Oklahoma Fuel
SHE IS FOR SALE! This is an awesome, well bred athletic built mare. She injured her right hind leg at three months old by going through a fence when she got separated from her mother. Although the injury healed up with minimal lameness, she re-injured that leg again as a two year old. Because of this injury Three Scats was not started under saddle until she was a 4 year old. Her potential as a performance horse will never be reached due to the injury but she does well being ridden lightly around the ranch. She had a beautiful healthy colt by Smooth Amigo in 2008 and left open for 2009.

Grand Parents
Great Grand Parents
GG Grand Parents
Oklahoma Fuel
SI-108 AQHA Superior Race and Performance Sire
Jet Fuel
SI 95 Superior Race Colt Sire
Jet Deck
SI 100/22 Wins out of 31 Starts, 5 Halter Points
Moon Deck
SI 95
Miss Night Bar
SI 95
Bar Tacky
Dam of 5 ROM Race Colts
Three Bars (TB)
Hall of Fame Sire
Leo's Tacky
Dam of 2 ROM Race Colts, 1-SP Colt, Halter & Perf Point Earners
Yellow Hankie
Dam of Race 5 ROM Race Colts, 2 Superior Race Awards, Progeny Earnings $64,724
Prince Hank
Sire of Performance & Halter Point Earners and 1 ROM Race Colt
Hank H
SI 85 Race ROM
Sire of 14 ROM Colts, 8 Perf ROM Colts, 1 AQHA Champion, 1 Super Halter Award Colt
Princess Ann Bradley
Dam of 2 Race Winners, Halter & Perf Point Earners
Oklahoma Rosie
Dam of 5 Perf Colts
2 AQHA Champions
NCHA Money Earner
Billy Van W
15 Perf Points
Sire of 7 ROM Race Colts, Perf & Halter Point Earners
War Machine
AQHA Supreme Champion
Top Deck (TB)
AAA Producer
Equestrian (TB)
River Boat (TB)
Dyna's Daughter
ROM Race /SI 85/2 Wins from 7 Starts
LA Machine
Green Flash (TB)
Annie by Flying Bob
Dyna Star Miss
AA/Race ROM/SI 92/17 Starts-8 Wins/1 Second
SW/ROM Race Producer
Dynamo Leo
AAA SI-95/SP 5/ Wins/6 Seconds/8 Thirds/H-2.0
SP/ROM Race/Sire of Multiple ROM ace/Halter/Performance & AQHA Champion
SI-75/Winner of 20 Match Races
Sire of 24 AQHA Champions & Multiple Halter, Perf and Race ROM & Superior Halter, Perf & Race Earners & 4 World Champion in Racing & 1 Supreme Champion
AQHA Hall of Fame
Dynaflow Miss
SI-65/Dam of 7 Race ROMs & 3 Point Earners in Halter & Perf
Miss Star Bars
SI-65 -1 3rd/Dam of 4 Race ROMs/1 Perf ROM/1 Superior Halter Earner/3 Perf Point Earners
Sugar Bars
SI-95 H-2.0
ROM Race/Sire of 30 AQHA Champions/139 ROM Race/93 Perf ROMs/9 Superior Halter/22 Perf Earners/27 Perf Awards
AQHA Hall of Fame
Kay M J Star
Dam of 2 Halter Point Earners

Oklahoma Three Scats and Her First Colt-Lucks Fuel ("Dually") Born April 28th, 2002.
by Lucks Easyfanta Boy
Lucks Fuel as a 2 Year Old, 2004
2004 Colt by Bullys On Fire (One Hot Bully) Day Old
One Hot Bully 6 Month Old Weanling
Smooth Biz 2007 2 Week Old Filly
Smooth Amigo x Oklahoma Three Scats
Name Pending
2008 Colt
Smooth Amigo x Oklahoma Three Scats
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